Earthgauge News – Nov. 5, 2017
Edition #5 of the Earthgauge News podcast for the week of Nov. 5, 2017.
A weekly Canadian environmental news podcast featuring stories from across Canada and around the world.
Join me here every Monday or subscribe in iTunes or your favourite podcast catcher.
On the show this week:
- Parts of the historic Rideau Canal in Ottawa has been declared a contaminated site
- Woodland caribou in Canada continue to decline
- Nova Scotia watersheds are bouncing back from decades of acid rain damage
- BC coastal killer whales will be given additional federal protections
- Hundreds of sea turtles have been found dead off the coast of El Salvador.
- 25,000 people marched in the streets of Bonn ahead of the COP23 climate talks
- Eco-friendly furniture is becoming the way of the future
Earthgauge News – Oct. 23, 2017
Edition #3 of the new Earthgauge News podcast for the week of Oct. 23, 2017.
A weekly Canadian environmental news podcast featuring the top stories from across Canada and around the world.
Join me here every Monday or subscribe in iTunes or your favourite podcast catcher.
Earthgauge News
The inaugural edition of our new podcast Earthgauge News! A weekly Canadian environmental news podcast featuring the top environmental stories from across Canada for the week of Oct. 9, 2017.
Join us here every week or subscribe in iTunes or your favourite podcast catcher.
‘Climate Change: Which way out?’ with Naomi Klein, Bill McKibben, Chris Hedges, Bernie Sanders, Kshama Sawant

From left: Chris Hedges, Naomi Klein, Brian Lehrer (moderator), Bill McKibben, Kshama Sawant
I was fortunate to attend the largest climate change march in history on September 21, 2014 in New York City. It was an incredible experience to see roughly 400,000 in the streets demanding urgent action on the climate crisis.
The night before the event, there was a great panel discussion featuring Naomi Klein (author of ‘This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate’), Bill McKibben (founder of, Chris Hedges (author and former New York Times correspondent), U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, and Kshama Sawant (newly elected socialist councilor in Seattle who helped implement a $15/hr minimum wage in the city). It was an incredible night and the atmosphere at the All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church in Manhattan was electric, as you will hear.
Below are the speeches of the five panelists speaking on September 20, 2014 in New York:
Bernie Sanders – U.S. Senator from Vermont
Bill McKibben – author, activist and co-founder of
Naomi Klein – journalist and author of ‘This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate’
Chris Hedges – author and former war correspondent for the New York Times
Kshama Sawant – Seattle city counselor