Home > Activism, Climate breakdown, Global warming, Sustainability > Connecting the dots on climate change

Connecting the dots on climate change

The international day of action to Connect the Dots between extreme weather and climate change took place on May 5 in locations all around the world, including many events here in Canada. Check out this great video from 350.org, which captures the highlights of some of these events.

As Bill McKibben, the founder of 350.org, said in this article in the Guardian last week, “new data (pdf) released last month by researchers at Yale and George Mason universities show that a lot of Americans are growing far more concerned about climate change, precisely because they are drawing the links between freaky weather, a climate kicked off-kilter by a fossil-fuel guzzling civilization, and their own lives. After a year with a record number of multibillion dollar weather disasters, seven in ten Americans now believe that “global warming is affecting the weather.”

Have we reached a tipping point at which people are finally starting to “connect the dots”? Perhaps but there is still much work ahead.


Categories: Activism, Climate breakdown, Global warming, Sustainability Tags: 350.org, , Connect the dots
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