Ottawa Climate Strike Interviews – Sept. 27, 2019
Huge climate strikes took place across Canada and around the world this past Friday, Sept. 27, with millions taking part including at least 800,000 here in Canada demanding immediate and strong action on the climate crisis, which is getting worse almost by the day. Over 20,000 people walked out of school and work here in Ottawa and I was there to capture some of the sounds from the march. In the face of so much relentless bad news these days, it was truly empowering to see the energy and determination of young people. They simply won’t back down on this one.
Click the link above to listen to some audio from the Ottawa climate strike including inspiring interviews with two remarkable elementary school climate strikers.
Tomorrow on Earthgauge Radio: U.S. Green Party leader Jill Stein and the Ottawa Centre EcoDistrict
On Earthgauge Radio this week, we will have the pleasure of hearing from the Green Party candidate for president of the United States, Dr. Jill Stein. Dr. Stein of course recently wrapped up her presidential campaign so we will hear from her about how the campaign went, the Green New Deal, her two arrests while on the hustings, her thoughts on the election’s outcome and how she sees the next four years unfolding. Dr. Stein will join us for an Earthgauge exclusive, live interview at 7:35 AM.
Also on the program tomorrow, I’ll be speaking with James McNeil who leads the Ottawa Green Real Estate Practice group and is the self-described “catalyst” of the Ottawa Centre Eco-District. We’ll find out all about this new, exciting initiative in Ottawa Centre: how it started, what they hope to achieve and why “eco-districts” seem to be springing up all over North America and beyond. That’s at 7:10 AM.
Finally, given that this past Monday was Remembrance Day, it seems like an appropriate time to remember the environmental devastation that war continues to cause all around the world. We’ll hear a short clip at 7:50 AM or so from Friends of the Earth called ‘War and the Environment’.
Tune in for a great show tomorrow! Earthgauge Radio airs Thursday mornings from 7-8 AM on CKCU 93.1 in Ottawa. News and interviews on environmental stories from across Canada and around the world. Podcasts on iTunes and Stream live on
May is Bike to Work month in Ottawa!
In case you’re looking for additional reasons to jettison your car and haul out the bike, the video below from EnviroCentre Ottawa makes a convincing case. Save money, improve your health, help reduce pollution, the list goes on (and on). May is Bike to Work month so let’s get to it.
Continuing on this theme, on Earthgauge Radio this week, we have a special program dedicated to cycling. May is Bike to Work month so we’re celebrating the beautiful bicycle on our May 10 show. Interviews with Jess Wells of EnviroCentre about Bike to Work month; Caron Cheng of Mountain Equipment Co-op about MEC Bike Fest this Sunday; and Seb Oran of Bicycles for Humanity. Tune in, turn on and tune up your bike!
Earthgauge Radio is broadcast every other Thursday morning at 7:00-8:00 AM on CKCU 93.1 FM in Ottawa. You can also stream online or listen on demand (whenever you want!) at