Home > Uncategorized > Interview with author and professor Juliet Schor

Interview with author and professor Juliet Schor

On Earthgauge Radio this week, I was pleased to speak with Juliet Schor. She’s a professor of sociology at Boston University and author of the best-selling 1992 book ‘The Overworked American’ and ‘The Overspent American: Why We Want What We Don’t Need’. Her research focuses on consumption, time use, and environmental sustainability and she is also studying the relation between working hours, inequality and carbon emissions. Schor is currently researching the “connected economy,” via a series of case studies of sharing platforms and their participants.

Before joining Boston College, Schor taught at Harvard University for 17 years, in the Department of Economics and the Committee on Degrees in Women’s Studies. Schor’s most recent books are ‘Sustainable Lifestyles and the Quest for Plenitude: Case Studies of the New Economy’ and ‘True Wealth: How and Why Millions of Americans are Creating a Time-Rich, Ecologically Light, Small-Scale, High-Satisfaction Economy’.

The interview starts at 22:00 and runs roughly 25 minutes. 

Categories: Uncategorized
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