Home > Activism, Animal welfare, Biodiversity, Conservation, Oceans and fisheries > Costa Rica passes ban on shark finning

Costa Rica passes ban on shark finning

Continuing Earthgauge’s past coverage of the campaign to ban shark finning, Reuters is reporting that Costa Rica is the latest country to ban the practice, which involves catching sharks, slicing off their fins and throwing them back in the ocean to die.

As always with such bans, it remains to be seen whether the enforcement of the law can keep pace with the high demand (and high prices) for the fins, which are in high demand in Asian countries including China and Japan where shark fin soup is considered a delicacy.

Read more: World Environment News – Costa Rica passes ban on taking of shark fins – Planet Ark.

Categories: Activism, Animal welfare, Biodiversity, Conservation, Oceans and fisheries Tags: costa rica, shark finning
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