It’s official: Scientists say the Holocene is over and the age of human planetary domination is here
We humans have officially conquered the world! Hurrah! But wait, is this any cause for celebration?
This from Deutsche Welle Living Planet:
Scientists are calling for the official designation of a new earth epoch: the Anthropocene. Addressing the ‘Planet under Pressure’ gathering in London, they say one species has left an indelible mark.
Scientists are pushing to officially change the name of the current geological epoch, as the world prepares to take stock of its 20-year record of addressing global environmental problems.
Experts say designating the arrival of the ‘Anthropocene,’ or age of man, would capture the nature and extent of changes on the planet, and could spark a shift in how humanity thinks of its presence on Earth.
Pointing to climate change, dwindling fish stocks, continued deforestation, rapid species decline, and human population growth, Erle Ellis, an ecologist at the University of Maryland, said the vast majority of ecosystems on the planet now reflect the presence of people.
Anthony Giddens, the British political scientist known for his holistic view of societies, described the Anthopocene as a “runaway world” in which we have unleashed processes more powerful than our attempts to control them.