Home > Activism, Climate breakdown, Global warming, Oil, Tar sands > Bill McKibben speaks out against tar sands expansion and the Northern Gateway pipeline

Bill McKibben speaks out against tar sands expansion and the Northern Gateway pipeline

Video courtesy of The Common Sense Canadian and The Tyee from a speech activist and author Bill McKibben gave in Vancouver yesterday. The rally was organized on the 23rd anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill to oppose both the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline and Kinder Morgan’s planned expansion to its Trans Mountain pipeline to Vancouver.

An excerpt: “Don’t let them ever call you a ‘radical’. The radicals work at Kinder Morgan and Enbridge. They are willing to alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere in order to make money.”

Categories: Activism, Climate breakdown, Global warming, Oil, Tar sands Tags: , Northern Gateway,
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