Home > Clean energy, Clean tech, Greening our cities > Solar-powered ‘smart’ roads could zap snow, ice – CNN.com

Solar-powered ‘smart’ roads could zap snow, ice – CNN.com

Solar-powered ‘smart’ roads could zap snow, ice – CNN.com

This is pretty darn cool. To think of what we could accomplish through technological innovation and ingenuity if only the policies, incentives and investments were in place to help make it happen.

“Scott Brusaw, a 53-year-old electrical engineer in tiny Sagle, Idaho, thinks he has a solution. So far, he’s generated interest from the federal government and General Electric in his idea for a solar-powered roadway made from super-strong glass, instead of conventional asphalt or concrete.”

Solar road panels would include glass layers, solar power cells, heating elements and LED road markers.

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